Sunday 10 September 2017

"Series 4 is a love story with a twist" - Doctor Who Series 4

Loads more filming has happened on the Series 4 of MB & Homeland's Doctor Who. It is reported that they are now 35% the way through filming and have only filmed 14 times so far.
Filming on Series 4

There has been so much talk about Series 4 but we still don't know much. For example: How many episodes? Who's the companion? Any returning actors? What about the interior?
Harri Thompson & Samuel Moore
acting in the Tardis Interior

Mark Bray has said that "Series 4 is a love story with a twist. The series will revolve around two main people. These two characters are dating and during the series we will explore their relationship but with a time travel alien twist. It'll be funny, loads of adventures but also heartbreaking at times. We have really pushed our actors to the limit with emotions and expressing themselves. We've really strengthened character background in this series"

This gives a new look at how the series will play out but we still don't know who these characters are? Who are the actors? Is it a boy and girl relationship or something different? Who knows. Hopefully we will get answers soon. But there is still the Doctor Who movie to come out in November.
Mark Bray acting down a tunnel

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