Monday, 4 September 2017

Brand New Trailer!!! Brand New Interior!!!

A trailer for the Doctor Who Fan Movie has just been released and it features an interesting surprise.

The new trailer features the brand new Tardis Interior which was built from 30th May to the 1st September 2017. The new Tardis set has been built, painted and wired. It involves a lot of hidden gadgets and tricks which hopefully we'll get to see in the future.
Samuel Moore inside the new interior

The trailer also featured the plane interior again as well as a mysterious voice over saying "We need to create a bomb, to kill the slender... dead" this voice also appears at the end of the trailer saying "Kill them, kill them all"

We're not sure who's voice this is as it doesn't sound like Mark, Sam or Tom but we are guessing this is the main villain for the film.
Tom Skinner as he shall appear
in the Doctor Who Movie

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