Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Follow Us on Blogger!!!!

We have just added a "Follow" button to our blogger making it easier to connect with our audience. We have had over 3,000 on our blogger and its the best place to go for breaking news and links to videos we have produced.
Mark Bray & Jordan Crowther-Russell
Getting ready to film "Welcome To Adulthood" Short Film

May has been our best month EVER on Blogger reaching 269 views. We'd love to connect with our audience more, so if you are interested do follow us on blogger. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and our Website
Will Britton acting with baby Isaac Britton
For an upcoming project

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Political Rage Season 2 Delayed!!!!

A brand new trailer for Season 2 just landed on the YouTube channel revealing the release date to be the 5th August, but it appears that MB & Homeland have had to change the date to the 7th October.
But why?
Well it appears to be because of filming issues. From what we've been told they are booking a place to film in but it isn't available until the end of August meaning the season can't be out before then.
Samuel Moore & Graham Bray
Filming Season 2

So what is the new release date then?
Episode 1 will be released the 7th October
Episode 2 the following week 14th October
Episode 3 the week after that 21st October

Hopefully this clears things up with people who might get confused in the near future.

Friday, 19 May 2017

The Doctor's on a plane!! But where is he going? - Doctor Who Trailer

So today a brand new trailer was released for the upcoming Doctor Who Fan Film which will come out on the 23rd November on YouTube

In the trailer there are a lot of shots of The Doctor on a plane, but where is he going and why?
A frame from the brand new trailer
Samuel Moore as The Doctor 

So what is exactly happening? and how did MB & Homeland get a hold of a plane!!

So from previous episodes we've been told that The Doctor's previous incarnation [Tom Skinner] was involved in a war on Earth set in 2017 which ended in him dropping a poison bomb on the planet. Samuel Moore's Doctor intends on going back to the future and stopping the bomb from being dropped. It is unclear how he will do this without causing a paradox or bumping into his past incarnation. Tune in on the 23rd November to find out how.

As for the plane interior. Mark Bray has told us that he asked around the local area and was about the get hold of someone who had one. After a meeting with the owner, they were given permission and the got a plan together for filming days.
A frame from the brand new trailer
Jordan, Sam & Annabelle acting in a scene

So what is The Doctor doing on a plane? And where is he going?
Well its unclear and no information about the plot has been told yet. But he might be blending in as a normal human so that he doesn't get detected by his other incarnation. He might be travelling to meet with UNIT or NASA to stop the bomb or something. Hopefully we'll find out very soon.

So is Tom Skinner's Doctor bad? How can The Doctor stop past events?
Tom Skinner's Doctor isn't evil, but is very overprotected of Earth and his love for humans, he would stop at nothing to keep them safe, even killing them to protect them from other treats he thinks is kinda than letting them be kidnapped or tortured by aliens. The Doctor has got involved in past events before but not on this scale. Mark has said there will be some scenes where Sam's Doctor will be hiding for his life to avoid detection from his past self.
A frame from the brand new trailer
Tom Skinner as The Past Doctor

Thursday, 18 May 2017

One Month Later - Doctor Who Series 4 Update

On the 23rd April we uploaded a blog post about Doctor Who Series 4. In the April podcast which was uploaded on the 15th April we discussed the same subject.

Now a month later, what new have we learnt?

The Series will have 7 episodes. Not 9
In our last Doctor Who blog post we said "Series 4 will have 5 to 6 episodes" but we have now decided that we will have 7 episodes and each episode already has a writer.
Adam Burrows, Ben Durrant, Tom Skinner
Mark Bray & Samuel Moore in 2014

Episode 1 & 2 will be written by Tom Skinner, he is replacing Mark Bray as head writer and will open the new Series. Episode 1 and 2 will NOT be a two parter special which we originally said in our last blog post

Episode 3 will be written by Mark Bray. So far Mark has said that his episode will come straight from the heart and will be based on real events in his life with an alien twist.

Episode 4 will be written by Samuel Moore & Graham Bray. Both previous writers but this time paired up. There is no information about the episode yet.

Episode 5 will be written by Tom Ford. This will be his second episode for Doctor Who, his first last year called "The Men of UNIT"

Episode 6 will be written by Colin Bray. His first script for Doctor Who. There is no information about the episode yet.

In our blog post we said that Jordan Crowther-Russell would help write an episode, he has since withdrawn the request and will supervise script development.

Samuel Moore WILL remain as The Doctor
Last month is was uncertain whether Sam would return but we now know that he is happy staying for one more series.
Ben Durrant, Samuel Moore, Colin Bray
& Graham Bray in Series 2

New Companion for the majority of the series
In Series 3 the companion changed nearly every episode unlikely Series 2 in which Ben Durrant played Daniel Jefferson for all episodes apart from one. This actor has been casted!!! but no information as to who they are.

Building Tardis Interior
It will begin the last week of May until the last week for June. Then it will restart the beginning of August until the end.

When will filming begin?
No date is definite yet but we are hoping the 1st July. Booking and renting has already begun and some days are written in stone during July and August.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

The Padawan III is here!

Its finally here. The Padawan III was released on YouTube at 7pm, 4th May 2017 working really well with Star Wars Day #Maythefourthbewithyou

Part 1 was uploaded at 7pm with Part 2 at 8pm. The reason for it being cut in half was to avoid copyright problems.

Now that the movie is out on YouTube, MB & Homeland will stop Star Wars and focus on Political Rage which is the next show to come out. August 2017 Season 2 will be released. Then the Doctor Who Movie will come out on the 23rd November 2017.