Wednesday 6 May 2015

Filming 04/05/2015 Episode 3 & 5 Doctor Who

Filming for Episode 3 & 5 took place on the 4th May 2015. We begun by filming a few split screen takes for episode 5.

Samuel Moore acting as the
villain in Episode 5

Samuel Moore will play The Doctor and the villain in episode 5 'Phantom Of The Doctor'
Episode 5 will air on the channel on 8th August 2015

Afterwards we filmed Episode 3 with Ben Durrant, Colin Bray, Graham Bray & Mark Bray.
Ben Durrant played 'Daniel Jefferson' (The Doctor's Companion)
and Samuel Moore played 'The Doctor'.
Graham Bray got to play a big yeti character called 'Foodie' and Colin Bray played The 'Conductor' an old friend of 'The Doctor' who went to the Academy with him

Colin Bray as his character
'The Conductor'

Samuel Moore adjusting
Graham's mask as 'Foodie'

Episode 3 is called 'Key Of Eternity' It will be uploaded to YouTube on 25th July 2015

Thumbnail for Episode 3
'Key Of Eternity'

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