Sunday 18 June 2017

Filming on Series 4 starts in 2 WEEKS!!!!

It was revealed in the most recent News Update that filming on Doctor Who Series 4 will begin on the 3rd July. In the video Mark said that this date was "Written in pencil" meaning it wasn't definite that it would begin then but would be around that time.
Samuel Moore acting in
Series 3 Episode 4

So far two scripts have been written with two more close to being finished. Mark has also revealed that this series will have a huge cast compared to Series 3. So far 20 people are written down to appear across the whole series with new names added every month.
Tom Ford, Samuel Moore, Aaron Hooper & Alice Barnfield
acting in Series 3 Episode 5

The new update also talked about something coming that would surprise a lot of people. We are unsure what this is but hopefully we will learn more soon.

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