Saturday 1 June 2019

Why so quiet? - Doctor Who Series 5

We've not uploaded in over a month which is a very rare occasion from us. So what's the reason?

Sam's Last Filming Day & The Next Doctor's First
So over the last few weeks we've been filming loads on Series 5, this has been the main reason for a local of content and communication. This week we finished filming with Sam as The Doctor and we've begun the Next Doctor's Episodes, June is set to be a big month, packed with loads of filming.
Harri Thompson, Mark Bray & Samuel Moore
after filming there last few scenes together

Possible Release Date Change
We've recently been thinking about bring our Series forward, sees as we are on schedule. We are currently in discussion over this and will have news soon.
Harri Thompson, Mark Bray
Samuel Moore & Tom Skinner
after filming on Series 5

New Trailer Soon
Work has begun on a new trailer. Once we've decided on whether or not we change the release date, we will upload it to the channel.
Harri Thompson, Samuel Moore & Tom Skinner
on location filming

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