Sunday, 3 December 2017

Doctor Who Series 4: 22 weeks later - Is filming nearly done?

So filming on Series 4 is still happening, week by week. We began on the 27th June and have been filming every month for the last 22 weeks. So what has been happening
Samuel Moore & Will Britton
After a day filming down a tunnel

In October we had a break. Since returning we have filmed 5 times, with 6 more planned for December. Since October a trailer has released as well as the Doctor Who Movie. In the trailer we found out the main companions and cast
Samuel Moore, Brandon Messer & Tom Skinner
After a day filming on location

The only information we don't know is what each episode name is and who are the writers. We aren't even sure how many episodes there will be, some say 7, other say 9 or 10. Hopefully we will get another trailer in December or January which will fill in some more information.
Harri Thompson & Samuel Moore
with director Mark Bray

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