Sunday, 29 September 2019

The Biggest Secret At MB & Homeland - The Reveal

It has been nearly a year since Callum Houston join the group and since then he has become a core part of not just the series, but the channel.
Callum Houston, Mark Bray & Samuel Moore
on 21st November 2018

How involved will he be?
Callum is mostly keen on acting, but that hasn't stopped him from writing several scripts for Doctor Who, Short Films and has even done some presenting.
Callum Houston & Annabelle Greaves
during filming on Series 5

How many episodes will he have as The Doctor?
We aren't too sure yet. We've filmed three episodes which will come out once a month from now until December. We might also have some mini episodes airing early next year.

We are hoping to do another six episodes next year (the same as this year) but we can't guarantee anything yet as its too early in pre-production to say.
Annabelle Greaves & Callum Houston
on location filming with the Police Box

Monday, 2 September 2019

Everything We Know About The Next Doctor!

We've had several small teases as to what The Next Doctor looks like, 
but is it enough information to work out who it is?
The Next Doctor as seen
in Series 5 Trailer #1

It's highly likely that The Next Doctor is a new actor and someone who has never appeared on the channel before. His height and body type doesn't match anyone we've seen elsewhere.
Mark & Sam with
the mystery person

He's already provided his voice for Series 5. 
For both Episode 1 & 2, he voiced The Skull Mask Guy. 
As well as, in two different trailers, the words 
'Hello Universe' and 'This Is Where Everything Changes' 
can be heard by The Mystery Person.
End Credits
of Episode 2

It also appears that his outfit might change between episodes, as seen in different trailers.
Someone's new coat
hung up in the Tardis

The Diamond isn't going anywhere...
The Mystery Man with the
Diamond round his waistcoat