Thursday, 25 April 2019

The Poll Which Is Dividing MB & Homeland

So over the last few days we've been voting on whether or not we should one day buy or build a Dalek. At the moment it seems pretty even with a group of people who are quite keen on doing so, and a group that feel it would be a waste of time and money.

We are hoping to have a meeting on it very soon with loads more facts and figures. Including the Pros and Cons of doing so. After everyone has been briefed with the information, we'll have a final vote.
This picture was used for promotional
content on Series 2 Episode 4 'Infection'
This is a 3D Model of a Dalek
The big questions is what do you think? As viewers would you be keen on seeing a Dalek story? Or are the Daleks overrated? Are they old news?

Thursday, 4 April 2019

New Trailer NEXT WEEK!! - Doctor Who Series 5

Next Week we are releasing the second trailer for Series 5. This will  most likely come out towards the end of the week. This will include loads more dialogue and footage than the previous
The title for Episode 1 of Series 5

The first draft of this trailer was originally rejected as it revealed to many spoilers. After several reworks, we are now comfortable with this version.
The Title Sequence
of Series 5
The series is currently scheduled for a 28th September release but will that change? Could it be brought forward? It was briefly talking about in a recent video on the YouTube