Tuesday, 25 December 2018

The Most CONTROVERSIAL Episode? - Doctor Who Christmas Special

This year's Christmas Special appears to have had a lot of backlash leaving many viewers confused... but why? What's so controversial about this year's episode?
Samuel Moore acting
in the Christmas Special
The Doctor didn't DIE?
A lot of fans were disappointed to find that The Doctor didn't regenerate in this Christmas Special, despite a lot of the promotional content implying he would. Both the Series 4 Trailer 5 and Christmas Trailer appeared to show The Doctor in pain and about to regenerate. 

So WHY didn't he?
We wanted to do something different. Regenerations at Christmas are VERY cliché, every Doctor of New Who have regenerated at Christmas apart from Eccleston (and technically Tennant on New Years Day) so we wanted to leave it as a surprise and shock for the audience. Plus we'd prefer people enjoyed the story instead of wishing upon an actor's departure, 

When WILL he regenerate?
At some point during Series 5... whether its the beginning, middle or end. But he will definitely regenerate, casting and work has already begun on future plans up until 2021.

When will Series 5 come out?
Towards the end of 2019... which is a while away (At least its closer than the BBC's Series 12) but we will have a trailer for the series next month.

Who is The Next Doctor? Or are you bluffing?
Next Month! ... you'll all find out then.
Mark Bray & Samuel Moore

Monday, 10 December 2018

Negotiations Have Begun! - Doctor Who Series 5

We have spent the last few months getting all the scripts ready and fleshed out for Series 5, as well as planning and buy equipment. We are currently getting all of the cast together and negotiating days to film and what characters everyone will have.
Sam, Mark & Jordan
working on the Tardis set
Filming on Series 5 is set to begin very soon. More will be posted to this blogger when it does.
Mark, Graham, Tom, Colin
Sam, Aaron & Brandon
on the Tardis set
We are also very close to finishing the editing on the Christmas Special, which will be coming out the 25th December at 7pm on the YouTube channel.
Sam & Harri acting
in the Christmas Special